ChanServ commands

Below you can see all the available commands for Anope ChanServ. However, the best and most up to date information is available via BotServ Help on IRC. Type /msg ChanServ help "command" for latest list of commands.

  • ACCESS -- Modify the list of privileged users

  • AKICK -- Maintain the AutoKick list

  • AOP -- Modify the list of AOP users

  • BAN -- Bans a given nick or mask on a channel

  • CLONE -- Copy all settings from one channel to another

  • DEHALFOP -- Removes HALFOP status from you or the specified nick on a channel

  • DEOP -- Removes OP status from you or the specified nick on a channel

  • DEOWNER -- Removes OWNER status from you or the specified nick on a channel

  • DEPROTECT -- Removes PROTECT status from you or the specified nick on a channel

  • DEVOICE -- Removes VOICE status from you or the specified nick on a channel

  • DOWN -- Removes a selected nicks status from a channel

  • DROP -- Cancel the registration of a channel

  • ENFORCE -- Enforce various channel modes and set options

  • ENTRYMSG -- Manage the channel's entry messages

  • FLAGS -- Modify the list of privileged users

  • GETKEY -- Returns the key of the given channel

  • GSTATS -- Displays your Global Stats

  • GTOP -- Displays the top 3 users of the network

  • GTOP10 -- Displays the top 10 users of the network

  • HALFOP -- Gives you or the specified nick HALFOP status on a channel

  • HELP -- Displays this list and give information about commands

  • HOP -- Modify the list of HOP users

  • INFO -- Lists information about the specified registered channel

  • INVITE -- Invites you or an optionally specified nick into a channel

  • KICK -- Kicks a specified nick from a channel

  • LEVELS -- Redefine the meanings of access levels

  • LIST -- Lists all registered channels matching the given pattern

  • LOG -- Configures channel logging settings

  • MODE -- Control modes and mode locks on a channel

  • OP -- Gives you or the specified nick OP status on a channel

  • OWNER -- Gives you or the specified nick OWNER status on a channel

  • PROTECT -- Gives you or the specified nick PROTECT status on a channel

  • QOP -- Modify the list of QOP users

  • REGISTER -- Register a channel

  • SET -- Set channel options and information

  • SOP -- Modify the list of SOP users

  • STATS -- Displays your Channel Stats

  • STATUS -- Find a user's status on a channel

  • SUSPEND -- Prevent a channel from being used preserving channel data and settings

  • SYNC -- Sync users channel modes

  • TOP -- Displays the top 3 users of a channel

  • TOP10 -- Displays the top 10 users of a channel

  • TOPIC -- Manipulate the topic of the specified channel

  • UNBAN -- Remove all bans preventing a user from entering a channel

  • UNSUSPEND -- Releases a suspended channel

  • UP -- Updates a selected nicks status on a channel

  • VOICE -- Gives you or the specified nick VOICE status on a channel

  • VOP -- Modify the list of VOP users

  • SET AUTOOP -- Should services automatically give status to users

  • SET BANTYPE -- Set how Services make bans on the channel

  • SET CHANSTATS -- Turn chanstats statistics on or off

  • SET DESCRIPTION -- Set the channel description

  • SET EMAIL -- Associate an E-mail address with the channel

  • SET FOUNDER -- Set the founder of a channel

  • SET KEEPMODES -- Retain modes when channel is not in use

  • SET KEEPTOPIC -- Retain topic when channel is not in use

  • SET NOEXPIRE -- Prevent the channel from expiring

  • SET PEACE -- Regulate the use of critical commands

  • SET PERSIST -- Set the channel as permanent

  • SET PRIVATE -- Hide channel from the LIST command

  • SET RESTRICTED -- Restrict access to the channel

  • SET SECURE -- Activate security features

  • SET SECUREFOUNDER -- Stricter control of channel founder status

  • SET SECUREOPS -- Stricter control of chanop status

  • SET SIGNKICK -- Sign kicks that are done with the KICK command

  • SET SUCCESSOR -- Set the successor for a channel

  • SET URL -- Associate a URL with the channel