OperServ commands

Below you can see all the available commands for Anope OperServ. However, the best and most up to date information is available via OperServ Help on IRC. Type /msg OperServ help "command" for latest list of commands.

  • AKILL Manipulate the AKILL list

  • CHANKILL -- AKILL all users on a specific channel

  • CHANLIST -- Lists all channel records

  • CONFIG -- View and change configuration file settings

  • EXCEPTION -- Modify the session-limit exception list

  • FORBID -- Forbid usage of nicknames, channels, and emails

  • HELP -- Displays this list and give information about commands

  • IGNORE -- Modify the Services ignore list

  • INFO -- Associate oper info with a nick or channel

  • JUPE -- "Jupiter" a server

  • KICK -- Kick a user from a channel

  • KILL -- Kill a user

  • LOGIN -- Login to OperServ

  • LOGONNEWS -- Define messages to be shown to users at logon

  • LOGOUT -- Logout from OperServ

  • LOGSEARCH -- Searches logs for a matching pattern

  • MODE -- Change channel modes

  • MODINFO -- Info about a loaded module

  • MODLIST -- List loaded modules

  • MODLOAD -- Load a module

  • MODRELOAD -- Reload a module

  • MODUNLOAD -- Un-Load a module

  • NOOP -- Remove all operators from a server remotely

  • OPER -- View and change Services Operators

  • OPERNEWS -- Define messages to be shown to users who oper

  • QUIT -- Terminate Services WITHOUT saving

  • RANDOMNEWS -- Define messages to be randomly shown to users at logon

  • RELOAD -- Reload services' configuration file

  • RESTART -- Save databases and restart Services

  • SEEN -- Statistics and maintenance for seen data

  • SESSION -- View the list of host sessions

  • SET -- Set various global Services options

  • SHUTDOWN -- Terminate services with save

  • SNLINE -- Manipulate the SNLINE list

  • SQLINE -- Manipulate the SQLINE list

  • STATS -- Show status of Services and network

  • SVSJOIN -- Forcefully join a user to a channel

  • SVSNICK -- Forcefully change a user's nickname

  • SVSPART -- Forcefully part a user from a channel

  • UMODE -- Change user modes

  • UPDATE -- Force the Services databases to be updated immediately

  • USERLIST -- Lists all user records

  • SET READONLY -- Set read-only or read-write mode

  • SET DEBUG -- Activate or deactivate debug mode

  • SET NOEXPIRE -- Activate or deactivate no expire mode

  • SET SUPERADMIN -- Activate or deactivate super admin mode

  • SET LIST -- List the options