HostServ commands

Below you can see all the available commands for Anope HostServ. However, the best and most up to date information is available via HostServ Help on IRC. Type /msg HostServ help "command" for latest list of commands.

  • ACCESS -- Modify the list of authorized addresses

  • AJOIN -- Manage your auto join list

  • ALIST -- List channels you have access on

  • CERT -- Modify the nickname client certificate list

  • CONFIRM -- Confirm a passcode

  • DROP -- Cancel the registration of a nickname

  • GETEMAIL -- Matches and returns all users that registered using given email

  • GLIST -- Lists all nicknames in your group

  • GROUP -- Join a group

  • HELP -- Displays this list and give information about commands

  • IDENTIFY -- Identify yourself with your password

  • INFO -- Displays information about a given nickname

  • LIST -- List all registered nicknames that match a given pattern

  • LOGOUT -- Reverses the effect of the IDENTIFY command

  • RECOVER -- Regains control of your nick

  • REGISTER -- Register a nickname

  • RESEND -- Resend registration confirmation email

  • RESETPASS -- Helps you reset lost passwords

  • SASET -- Set SET-options on another nickname

  • SET -- Set options, including kill protection

  • STATUS -- Returns the owner status of the given nickname

  • SUSPEND -- Suspend a given nick

  • UNGROUP -- Remove a nick from a group

  • UNSUSPEND -- Unsuspend a given nick

  • UPDATE -- Updates your current status, i.e. it checks for new memos

  • SET AUTOOP -- Sets whether services should set channel status modes on you automatically.

  • SET CHANSTATS -- Turn chanstats statistics on or off

  • SET DISPLAY -- Set the display of your group in Services

  • SET EMAIL -- Associate an E-mail address with your nickname

  • SET GREET - Associate a greet message with your nickname

  • SET HIDE -- Hide certain pieces of nickname information

  • SET KEEPMODES -- Enable or disable keep modes

  • SET KILL -- Turn protection on or off

  • SET LANGUAGE -- Set the language Services will use when messaging you

  • SET PASSWORD -- Set your nickname password

  • SET PRIVATE -- Prevent the nickname from appearing in the LIST command

  • SET SECURE -- Turn nickname security on or off

  • SET URL -- Associate a URL with your account